Tracking Script Installation

Tracking Script Installation

To install the dynamic tracking script:

Using Google Tag Manager:

  1. Add the included tracking script into Google Tag Manager (GTM) using this link for a step by step guide.
  2. Set the script to run on every page.

Direct to the website:

  1. Add the included tracking script to the <head> section of the website. This will ensure the dynamic numbers switch across faster.
  2. Here are options for directly inserting the script
    1. In WordPress Appearance => Theme file editor . Choose header.php file to insert your script onto the website.
    2. Use WordPress plugin to insert the script into the header.
    3. Login into the website ftp and go to the following directory to insert the script: wp-contents/themes/your theme folder name /header.php file.
The core functionality of Google Analytics Classic is already configured to send data. Please note: to receive accurate tracking data, the tracking script should only be installed on the website or landing page nominated by your customer application.

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